Wednesday, December 16, 2009

this thing suddenly came in my mind... if somebody asks me this kinda question, "what's your fave class in your gym?" definitely i'll answer RPM or maybe body pump.. but now, i'm gonna answer.. real stepper.. (kinda aerobics class with a step in front of us and we have to move our body according to the music and intruction)... wow.. surprise2... suddenly i think i'm falling in love with this kinda class.. hahaha. dunno why.. one day i got inside the class and the next thing.. i think.. i love it..hahahhaa.. strange, huh... in fact until in about 2 months ago, i don't like this class.. well.. maybe we can say.. "tak kenal maka tak sayang".. hahaha...go basic step, stredder, v step, baby step, stop twice, kick, etc.. :p